Monday, January 2, 2012

The Birds of The Garden

As I finished my last yoga session of the day, taking a moment to feel the warm Cali sunlight streaming through the large front window.  I instantly became captivated by the emerald green sparkling off the backs of a pair of hummingbirds fluttering before me.  "Hello, my beloved friends" I called out.  Welcoming their high spiritedness and vigorous as they carried on beckoning me to join in their gallant dance.  Taking only but a moment to decide that today would be a fine day to join in and do some gardening.

I quickly grabbed my flip flops and throw open the french doors to allow the warmth outside to greet my body.  80 degrees in January is what I call perfection!!!!  Picking up the watering hose and delightfully giving the delicate plants a spray down, I noticed the remains of aphids upon my heirloom climbing roses.  Not one to use pesticides, I had decided to leave the former summertime problem to Mother Nature to sort out for me.  Choosing to resort to chemicals if need be as an end result.

However, Mother Nature had handled the problem beautifully by inviting a hundred or more finches to feed.  As I washed the remains off the roses, filled the bird baths and fountains with fresh water, I delightfully watched as the birds joyfully began to bathe.  Such simplicity found amongst these tiny creatures.  As they went about their business, unaware of my presence.  Chasing one another around, indulging upon the harvest bird seed left out for them and enjoying the camaraderie of one another.  I listened to their rhythmic song played out as it lifted my heart and allowed my soul to sail to a space far from where my feet touched the ground.  As I gracefully slumped down, soon finding myself in a lotus position, I begin to meditate.

Following the minut breeze as I inhaled and exhaled a 4-4-8 sequence.  Instantly my third eye began to warm and my crown gently opened to my higher self.  Quietening my ego for a moment in time to receive the valuable answers I always welcome receiving.  I released any form of control as I soared through colors and images, allowing my body this time to further unfold.  As I gently opened my eyes about a good twenty minutes later, I bowed my head this time in Namaste to the Birds Of My Garden (or perhaps theirs) for beckoning me to come join them today.  To change the pace and instead of systematically meditating on the mat, to get really grounded with my bottom grounded to....well, the ground.

Today I give gratitude, not only to the tiny creatures but to Spirit as well for the ingenious way of keeping me committed to my thoughts, wants and desires.  It was only yesterday in which I mentioned briefly my idea to want to relinquish routine.  To experience life and what I needed to achieve, anywhere....everywhere.  Instead of through how, "I thought" it had to be done.  Today was a perfect example of that fruition.  As I focus on keeping my mind clear, my heart open and my thoughts simple as well as pure, I excite over the possibility of further growth.  Today the Birds Of The Garden will be shown my ever growing gratitude for them, by receiving a handful of blackberries along with their seed.

"No Bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings"
                     William Blake (1757-1827)

1 comment:

  1. Monique, a very beautiful and insightful blog. It is amazing how we get caught up in our routines. It is wonderful to mix things up from time to time.

    I am also a lover of birds. I am in utter amazement by their grace and agility. To hear them sing is also a special treat. We can learn a lot from our feathered friends.

    Thanks for sharing this with us.
