I am of many things. But most of all I am a girl in search of a much freer existential way of life. A place where simple comforts include an ice chai, a warm down comforter and my next NEW favorite book on spiritualism. I love the gentle sound of rain drops on my window seal and the rejuvenation of my garden after each water spill from the skies. I crave for there to be an excuse here in sunny Cali for me to sport one of my many scarfs and hats. I'm always in search for the next coven piece to add to my historical homes decor. That chosen treasure that means in order to find a place for it....I will have to give away something else. I beam with each opportunity to teach yoga and long for the day when I can instruct from within the center of my own garden. I cherish how candle light makes everything that much more beautiful in the world. Come join me as I patter my way through this beautiful wondrous globe in search for truth, knowledge and above all spiritualism. Weekly I plan to share my new found interests with you rather its an amazing read, retreat or respite I have discovered amongst my journeying. Examples from my meditation groups will also be listed. Happy reading my friends.
Think of the poorest person you have ever seen and ask if your next act will be of any use to him. -Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
"There is no greater sickness in the world today than the lack of love" and "The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread." -Mother Teresa