Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Follow Me Down Wisteria Lane

The weather could not be more spectacular here in Sunny Cali.  However, with all this blessed sunlight the Wisteria in my garden is blooming rather early this season.  With the sacred scent of freshly opened blooms and the array of lavender hue cascading over the gazebo, the butterfly's have begin to make their entrance.  They gallantly dance among the gentle breeze of time as a symbol of transformation.  These extraordinary creatures come as a reminder to take a deeper look within ourselves and find the confidence to emerge that which lies in the center of our soul.  They present themselves not as a chaperon of fear but as a messenger to remember to let life be lived.  "This unwavering acceptance of metamorphosis is also symbolic of faith.  Here the butterfly beckons for us to keep our faith as we undergo transitions in our lives.  She understands that our trailing, fretting, and anger are useless against the turning tides of nature".  As we proceed with our individual journey into the soul, we learn through countless trials to release.  When the shifts of life take us continuously down different paths full of never ending obstacles we learn to morph just like that of the butterfly into ever changing beings and learn through trials to become that closer to what lies in the center of our being.  We learn through our challenges that life, our journey, our existence here upon this earth is our only guarantee.  Our breath this excate moment is all that is still until the change occurs again shifting us down another path of movement forcing us to accept that which comes.  Altering our image of who we are as we emerge like that of the butterfly into something greater.  Where do you find yourself exuding countless energy, when it might be best to allow yourself to just accept fate. 

Quick Butterfly Meditation 
Take a moment to become comfortable.  Allowing yourself to find the most perfect position just for your body.  Taking a few deep and comfortable breaths you begin to find your thoughts floating ever so gently.  As they shift from left to right, front to back.  You soon find yourself traveling along a path.  This is a path well traveled and very familiar to you.  It is a path of wisdom and knowledge, of purpose and truth.  As you find yourself becoming reacquainted with this chosen path I would like for you to take a moment or two as you begin to observe the scenery around you.  Becoming familiar with the ground beneath your feet.  The airy sky imploding above your head.  Allow yourself the freedom to create all the details that make this source a place of comfort for you.  As you allow yourself to glance up ahead you begin to make out the faint details of movement.  Standing perfectly still you soon come in contact with a gorgeous butterfly.  Watching the eloquence of its majestic wings you stand captivated by its flight pattern.  Allowing your vision to follow the erratic yet opulent movement of this sophisticated creature.   It soon begins to twirl signaling for you to come follow.  As you do, it leads you into a wide and open field.  Standing there amongst the vastness of space you observe your new surroundings.  Taking in the openness that engulfs you.  As you scan your environment your eyes come to settle on an enormous bolder in the center of the field.  Upon further inspection you begin to notice how a dish in it provides for the perfect seat for your posterior and you begin to take a seat.  Settling into the deep curve provided for your comfort and relaxation you begin to melt into relaxation even further. 
Part two of this Meditation to follow soon :)

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