Saturday, December 31, 2011

As One Chapter Ends Another Begins.

As I prepare to say goodbye to 2011, I glance back on the lessons learned and  accomplishments achieved.  Blissful that some chapters have ended in my life, others are ending and a few that need to find there way to an end.  I acknowledge all I have gone through and prepare to continue to go through until lessons are eventually fully learnt.  The thing with lessons....They never "just disappear".  They do come back later in life to resurrect like old soldiers, to test and push ones limits again and again.  In an attempt to finally be understood and perhaps even put to rest for once and for all.

Too say that this year was smooth would be a drastic misinterpretation upon my part.  Pushed beyond limits I normally would never have dreamt to cross.  I found myself for the fist time surrendering to many things I normally would have had the energy or spirit to want to fight.  There is something to be said for true surrendering. Not that found out of weakness of will but that found out of finding true peace within.  That place where one finally admits to oneself that to go on in the direction formally chosen would be a determent to oneself as well as all involved.

Surrender, was not one of my easiest achievable task.  However, after enough waves crashed down upon me this entire year I finally submitted to what was, is or will be.  As I find my way to other paths, I focus on restructuring and elongating my former ideas into a new image.  Have I learned this lesson completely?  I'm sure the answer would be no but I am however, farther along then when I started.  I am certainly stronger then I once was and I have faith that all I have endured is for my highest purpose.  Fore, as much as I have questioned my faith and trust in spirit profusely this year;  I have somehow never felt closer.

The wounds are still fresh.  The images still raw from the challenges and battles fought.  The lessons still needing to be processed and absorbed fully, but I give abundant thanks to the tremendous support within my life.  Here on earth and above for sustaining me when I felt I couldn't.  When I felt I was broken.  Fore, in those darkest times the light shined even more magnificent and I could (if just for a moment) realize all was not lost.

It is true what they say....How angels live amongst us.  I have had the eminent pleasure of meeting many who have graced me with their love, kindness and generosity of spirit.  Many who have come to seek my support and in return have sustained life within me instead. I give repeated thanks to all I have been given.  Although this year will stick out in my mind for many to come.  I pay homage to my spirit still being here to further learn.  Happy New Years my beloveds and may your journeys be just as blessed in whatever path you chose.   *Big Hugs*

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