Monday, August 15, 2011

Engaging in the Art of Simplicity

Recently conversing with my friend D.C. a lull in the conversation brought up the subject of simplicity.  As I stated that I long for a life of it D.C. retracted, "Simplicity.....What ever does that mean to you?"   Stumped in a momentary pause as my conscious mind rapidly searched the files within my head I tentatively answered.  A mind numbing answer as the realism hit me that I didn't quite know what simple meant to me.  As I look back on that conversation I ask myself, what is simplicity?  Is it truly something that exist or is it simply the euphoria of wanting that which is a created illusion.  As I delve deeper into the troughs on the subject I realize that i'm not as simple as I would like to think.  Simple minded......not quite, simply dressed.....not really, simple living....a want not yet achieved.  Hmmmm this idea of simplicity was becoming more complicated then I would like to admit.  As I sit and ponder this conundrum on this beautiful sun drenched morning my eyes explicitly wander outdoors.  Simplicity!!  Awe yes, is the ability to sit in the morning sun without needing to be anywhere then where I am at this present moment.  It is the enjoyment I find in my morning choice of tea.  It is the sound of the magnificent high pitch squeak made by the dozen or so hummingbirds chasing after their morning nectar.  It is the sense of calm radiating off my body as I gaze at the beauty of my English garden.  It is the pleasantry of bestowing blessings upon the world as I salute each days arrival with sun salutations.  It is the joy of performing daily rituals such as showering or misting myself with one of my favorite perfumes.  It is the sensation of selecting a pair of gorgeous heels and being delighted in the sound as they click against my hardwood floors.  It is the tantalization of a bonfire as the flames lap up the oxygen of the nights sky.  It is the revelation that comes to mind when I slip under my down comforter and exhale a long breath of peace.  Its where I lend myself to as the fall season invades my dreams with the promise of a turn of events.  It is the flow of words that poetically come together as I write this blog.  Yes, I am safe to say that this to me is what floats through my mind when I allow myself to engage in the art of simplicity.  Whats yours??

1 comment:

  1. Thought provoking and beautiful.... as usual. You have an incredible way with words :)
