Thursday, April 21, 2011

Trusting That Which Isn't Seen

Before I started out blazing my own trail into the spiritual west I used to equate everything with logic.  The term "Miracles" happen to other people who categorized them as such but were in actuality, simply where all the pieces lined up.  If  I couldn't see it, touch it, breathe it, then it didn't exist to me.  As I ponder this naive way of coexisting I realize that the truth I was born with was a fable, rather a .....childhood myth one might say.  The truth I was born with was quickly swept beneath the floor boards and the new realism I redeemed became one in which helped me fit in with the peers around me at that time.  I abandoned myself for the ability to blend in and became throughout the years vanilla in expression.  Only until I shook out that which didn't belong to me did I find the exquisite gold hue peanut left behind which was mine.  Today I say with pride that the peanut is now the size of a grapefruit and still expanding.  That fable has become my foundation for truth.  My realism doesn't rely on the surmount of materialism I own to define me.  My qualifications aren't noticed through my degrees, certifications and licensing to determine if I am capable to achieve.  They are measured by my compassionate heart which one can not physically see, my generosity and my capacity of determination.  As I embark on yet another year ahead of me I realize that I now know me.  I am acquainted with this remarkable person who trust that when the little voice mutters go right I need to make a sharp turn right.  Even though I may not see who the voice is coming from I have learned well enough that if I choose to venture left it is going to be a dry and desolate journey.  One that in the end will deliver me back to right, feeling lethargic, broken and perhaps blocked.  Countless times I hear from my clients how they know they should be doing etc but choose to achieve the opposite instead.  Why is it "ourselves" who block our own path to deliverance?  Why do we feel the need to change the game that is already pathed and given to us?  Why do we trust that which produce hardships but shy away from that which makes our existence just a little easier?  As I approach my magical 33 I have come to realize that forging in the turbulent waters is not for me.  I welcome placid shores, tepid water, and all the support that comes my way.  It's not that I am beyond the point of struggles it is however, that I am able to take the moment needed to rise above just for a second and notice the dip in the road.  Seeing the dip is enough to allow me to brace myself for the pain that may be coming upon impact.  By putting on the seat belt I can engage with it and allow it to pass through me.  This way perhaps allowing none of its painful memories to stick within but allowing the lessons to produce further wisdom.  As you journey through life continue to play.  Listen to your own dual voice.  Love yourself for who you are.  The attributes, the beautiful flaws that show up as attributes in given circumstances and embrace the whole.  As we further venture back into the truth of childhood, we learn that we were born with all the answers to all the questions we will ever need to know.  Yes......My friends it is that EASY!!  All one needs to do is let it be.

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