As most of you know, I readily spend a large quantity of my time servicing to others. Even though it warms the very essence of my soul to give, I always know when the inner well is ready to receive the rains of replenishment. Today I followed the path into the circle, a good friend of mine started about a month ago via The Healing Shoppe. Based on Native American Tradition I received the healing I so came to seek. Scented amongst the clouds of freshly lite sage I breathed in the tantalizing aroma and released my inner woes. These beautiful circles boast the idea of community, relations and shared healing. Inspired and enriched with traditions from ancient ancestors they are a melting pot for people of all social types to come gather. Their principles are based on simplicity, purity and connecting with the earth through all things basic. In a society so caught up with the latest gadget it brings purity of heart to attend a circle where one truly can "just be".