
Friday, March 4, 2011

"To forgive or not to forgive"

Every day we are faced with a multitude of decision making.  Should we settle for the non-fat latte or just go for the gold with the Caramel Macchiato.  When we allow ourselves the freedom to do so, we discover along the way that we have choices in these decisions.  But, what happens when we are faced with the decision of forgiveness?  Should we give thought to it or just dive right in?  Is it reasonable to forgive for the sake of just forgiving?  I recently came faced with a figure from my past.  A friend who was the very driving force that derived me to where I am now.  A friend who's lack of acceptance of spiritualism caused me to crave the path even more so.  Nothing like being faced with that speed bump doing 80 down the road of spiritual life a year later.  As much as I would love to think I have evolved from trivial things like, memories of the past.  I found myself at that precise moment full force spiraling down memory lane .  The hurt swelling within my heart like an emotional tornado.  My mind clouded over by the turbulence of conflicting thoughts.  However, instead of logic being the driving force in my life this time, something else took the drivers seat.....My heart.  Powerful, strong and demanding to be heard.  It spoke clearly.  To forgive someone else is to forgive yourself first.  It is a true gift to give when there isn't a reason to.  It is true forgiveness to offer when it isn't expected of you.  It is true love to bestow love when there isn't any return upon it.  As I sat with this I realized that "to forgive or not to forgive" is translated, TO GIVE WITHOUT COMPROMISING ONESELF.  To release from the debauchery, the shackles, the rouse that has weighed you down and to finally set that spirit free.  I walk lighter these days knowing that even though my friend isn't walking along beside me, my forgiveness has given me a brighter vision.

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